Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Photos You Won’t believe Are Not Photoshopped

These are some of the photos you won’t believe are not photoshopped. The wonder of optical illusions in photos has a taken over the world by storm. Now people around the world are competing in who will make the coolest photoshoppped photo, but there are those who tend to use only their camera and imagination to fool the rest of the world with their little tricks. They take a picture from a certain angle or use different methods to make their photos look as if they were photoshopped. You will be amazed what they have done to raise doubt in our everyday lives.

So many traffic lights in one place truly must be photoshopped. Wrong! This is in fact a sculpture found in London, England.

One half of this outstanding photo is a mirror; the other half is clear glass with a different girl standing outside. It looks incredible.

These yellow letters are not hanging from the ceiling or floating in the air, they hold a different secret. The artist adjusted the angles of the letters to be seen from an appropriate perspective thus making an optical illusion.

This levitation trick in front of bunch of people was successful. But this guy wasn’t levitating, he was holding onto a fake arm attached to the wall.

The guy in the photo is Nick de Wits. He is a biker from South Africa and this photo was taken during his performing at Giza. He’s not really standing on the pyramid but jumping. It was a lucky shot made by the photographer.

A Japanese art student came to an idea to do a diploma work where he would blend into a background. He was very successful, as you can see.

You won’t believe that this photo is not photoshoopped. However, this artist uses various tricks such as mirror, metal wires, scaffolding and acrobatics to create these unbelievable photos.

This headless horse would freak anyone out. This photo is either photoshopped or work of a great artist. The truth is that this guy was lucky to capture the moment when the horse turned his head to the other side.

Believe it or not, this artistic photo is not photoshopped or altered in any way. It is just a reflection of a girl riding her bike in a puddle. Nice, a?

How is it possible that this water tap is flowing in air? The truth is it isn’t. There is actually a pipe going through the water flowing down and in that way it’s holding the whole thing.


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